EN GRAVESのコラージュは、彼の頭脳と手先の機知と正確さを明らかにしている。20世紀初頭から半ばのアメリカの雑誌から拾い集めた写真を並べ替え、さまざまな素材を挿入することで、グレイヴスは解釈の物語の世界を開く超現実的なイメージを創り出す。ユーモアと鋭利なナイフを駆使したこれらのコラージュは、見慣れたイメージを不条理な構図に置き換えるファンタジーを通して、アメリカのポップカルチャーと理想主義を解剖する。ケネス・グレイヴスは1960年代にサンフランシスコ・アート・インスティテュートで学士号と修士号を取得し、現在はサンフランシスコのベイエリアに在住。1977年から2009年まで、ペンシルバニア州立大学で写真を教え、彼の作品は伝統的なドキュメンタリー・スタイルの写真から、スタジオ・ベースのコントロールされたスタイルへと移行した。彼のコラージュは、写真家、教授としての経歴を反映し、ビクトリア朝時代のペーパー・コラージュやシュルレアリスム・アートへのオマージュを捧げつつ、現代の状況についてコメントしている。グレイヴスのコラージュと写真は、ニューヨーク近代美術館、サンフランシスコ近代美術館、ブルックリン美術館、ヒューストン美術館、ジョージ・イーストマン・ハウス、パリ国立図書館など、主要な美術館に収蔵、展示されている。ケネス・グレイヴスはグッゲンハイム・フェローシップを受賞している(2001年)。
2015 - The Home Front. Macboks, London upcoming publication
2009 - Le Choc De Photographie, 4 photographs published in ‘Americain’
2003 - Public Culture, Society for Transnational Cultural Studies. Vol. 15 No. 39,
1996 - Existentialism, Basic Writings, published by Hackett Publishing Co., one
1996 - Underworld, one photograph reproduced in a book published by Kelly Klein.
1993 - Blue Sky #6, quarterly catalogue, twenty-six images reproduced, Blue Sky Gallery, Portland, OR, 1993
1991 - The Meaning of Life, Time Life Books, 1 image reproduced in a book, 1991 People Magazine
1990 - Sommer, Sally, "Capturing the Ritual of Ballroom Dance: Time Suspended,”
1989 - Graves, Ken and Eva Lipman, "Ballroom Backstage,"
1988 - On Seeing, periodical, Fall Issue
1987 - Photography Review Magazine
1983 - Photographies, a French photograph periodical, 1983
1982-83 - Photo Metro, periodical, 12/82 - 1/83, 1 photograph
2009 - Le Choc De Photographie, 4 photographs published in ‘Americain’
2003 - Public Culture, Society for Transnational Cultural Studies. Vol. 15 No. 39,
1996 - Existentialism, Basic Writings, published by Hackett Publishing Co., one
1996 - Underworld, one photograph reproduced in a book published by Kelly Klein.
1993 - Blue Sky #6, quarterly catalogue, twenty-six images reproduced, Blue Sky Gallery, Portland, OR, 1993
1991 - The Meaning of Life, Time Life Books, 1 image reproduced in a book, 1991 People Magazine
1990 - Sommer, Sally, "Capturing the Ritual of Ballroom Dance: Time Suspended,”
1989 - Graves, Ken and Eva Lipman, "Ballroom Backstage,"
1988 - On Seeing, periodical, Fall Issue
1987 - Photography Review Magazine
1983 - Photographies, a French photograph periodical, 1983
1982-83 - Photo Metro, periodical, 12/82 - 1/83, 1 photograph
2015 - Paule Anglim Gallery, SF, Ca. (group show)
2014 - Jack Fisher Gallery, SF, Ca. (two person)
2013 - Paule Anglim Gallery, San Francisco, Ca. (two person)
2011 - Paule Anglim Gallery, San Francisco, Ca. (two person)
2007 - Watermark Gallery, Houston, Texas
2004 - Erie Art Museum, Erie, Pa., (two person)
2003 - Paul Robeson Gallery, Penn. State Univ. (two person)
2000 -
O.K. Harris Gallery, New York City (two person)
Blue Sky Gallery, Portland, OR (two person)
1995 - Allentown Art Museum, Allentown, PA (two person)
1994 - University of Wyoming Art Museum, Laramie, WY
Fleming Museum, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
1993 -
O. K. Harris Gallery, New York City (two person)
Blue Sky Gallery, Portland, Oregon (two person)
1991 -
O. K. Harris Gallery, New York City
Juniata College, Huntington, PA (two person)
1989 - O. K. Harris Gallery, New York City
1988 -
New York University, (one-person)
Mid-Town Y Photography Gallery, New York City, (two person)
New York City Arts Club, (two person)
1987 - 2nd Street Gallery, Charlottesville, Virginia
1985 -
Mt. Hood Community College, Gresham, Oregon
Blue Sky Gallery, Portland, Oregon
1984 - University of California at San Francisco
Palmer Museum of Art, Penn State University, University Park, PA
1983 -
Portico Gallery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Lewis M. Parker Center, Burlington County College, New Jersey
1982 -
Blue Sky Gallery, Portland, Oregon
Lancaster Museum, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Cal-State Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California
1980 - Brindle Gallery, Camden, Maine
1979 -
Focus Gallery, San Francisco, California
Chambers Gallery, The Pennsylvania State University
1978 - Zoller Gallery, The Pennsylvania State University, American Snapshots Exhibition
1975 - Photo Gallery, New York, New York
1974 - Bakersfield Junior College, California
1972 - Humbolt State College, Arcata, California
1970 - San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, California
1969-70 - The San Francisco Art Institute Touring Exhibition (brochure)
1969 - Crown Zellerbach Building, San Francisco, California
2014 - Jack Fisher Gallery, SF, Ca. (two person)
2013 - Paule Anglim Gallery, San Francisco, Ca. (two person)
2011 - Paule Anglim Gallery, San Francisco, Ca. (two person)
2007 - Watermark Gallery, Houston, Texas
2004 - Erie Art Museum, Erie, Pa., (two person)
2003 - Paul Robeson Gallery, Penn. State Univ. (two person)
2000 -
O.K. Harris Gallery, New York City (two person)
Blue Sky Gallery, Portland, OR (two person)
1995 - Allentown Art Museum, Allentown, PA (two person)
1994 - University of Wyoming Art Museum, Laramie, WY
Fleming Museum, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT
1993 -
O. K. Harris Gallery, New York City (two person)
Blue Sky Gallery, Portland, Oregon (two person)
1991 -
O. K. Harris Gallery, New York City
Juniata College, Huntington, PA (two person)
1989 - O. K. Harris Gallery, New York City
1988 -
New York University, (one-person)
Mid-Town Y Photography Gallery, New York City, (two person)
New York City Arts Club, (two person)
1987 - 2nd Street Gallery, Charlottesville, Virginia
1985 -
Mt. Hood Community College, Gresham, Oregon
Blue Sky Gallery, Portland, Oregon
1984 - University of California at San Francisco
Palmer Museum of Art, Penn State University, University Park, PA
1983 -
Portico Gallery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Lewis M. Parker Center, Burlington County College, New Jersey
1982 -
Blue Sky Gallery, Portland, Oregon
Lancaster Museum, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Cal-State Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California
1980 - Brindle Gallery, Camden, Maine
1979 -
Focus Gallery, San Francisco, California
Chambers Gallery, The Pennsylvania State University
1978 - Zoller Gallery, The Pennsylvania State University, American Snapshots Exhibition
1975 - Photo Gallery, New York, New York
1974 - Bakersfield Junior College, California
1972 - Humbolt State College, Arcata, California
1970 - San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, California
1969-70 - The San Francisco Art Institute Touring Exhibition (brochure)
1969 - Crown Zellerbach Building, San Francisco, California