サンフランシスコ・アート・インスティテュートで学び、1971年にクレアモント大学院で修士号を取得。カリフォルニアでフリーランスの写真家として活動するかたわら、カリフォルニア芸術大学、カリフォルニア大学(リバーサイド校、サンタクルーズ校)、イェール大学、パリ国立高等美術学校、ヘルシンキ芸術アカデミーなど、さまざまな教育機関で写真を教える。彼の作品は、1975年にジョージ・イーストマン・ハウスで開催された「New Topographics」や、1978年に近代美術館で開催された「Mirrors and Windows」などの大規模な展覧会に出品されている。1973年と1977年に全米芸術基金(National Endowment for the Arts)の助成金を、1977年にはグッゲンハイム・フェローシップを受けたボルツは、コーコラン・ギャラリー・オブ・アートのための『The Nation's Capital in Photographs』やネバダ州芸術委員会のための『Near Reno』など、多くのコミッション・プロジェクトを手がけている。1980年代半ばからはヨーロッパに拠点を移し、幅広く活動している。
特定のテーマや地域に焦点を当てたシリーズ写真を制作し、通常、『The New Industrial Parks Near Irvine, California』(1975年)、『Nevada』(1978年)、『Park City』(1981年)のように書籍として出版している。彼の作品は、ニュー・トポグラフィックスに関連する他の人々の作品と同様、ティモシー・オサリバン、カールトン・ワトキンス、ウィリアム・ヘンリー・ジャクソンに代表される19世紀の西洋風景写真の伝統に挑戦し、風景に対するあまり純真でない見方を提示している。ボルツの風景認識は、必然的に20世紀の文化と郊外開発が国の地形に与えた影響を明らかにしている。彼の著書『例外なき支配』(1991年)、『ルイス・バルツ: Politics of Bacteria』、『Docile Bodies, Ronde de nuit』(1998年)では、ヨーロッパの都市景観を扱ったカラー作品を再現している。


1969 - B.F.A. San Francisco Art Institute
1971 - M.F.A. Claremont Graduate School


2013 - Lewis Baltz,Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig, Cologne
2012 - Texts, by Lewis Baltz, Steidl Publishers, Göttingen
2012 - Rule Without Exception/Only Exceptions (2-Volumes), Steidl Publishers, Göttingen
2011 - Candlestick Point, Steidl Publishers, Göttingen
1975/2001 - The New Industrial Parks Near Irvine, California. Castelli Graphics, New York
1976 - Maryland.. essay by Jane Livingston, Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
1978 - Nevada. Castelli Graphics, New York
1981 - Park City, with Gus Blaisdell, Castelli Graphics and Artspace, New York and Albuquerque, in associatioon with Aperture, Inc.
1986 - San Quentin Point, essay by Mark Haworth-Booth, Zwolftes-Haus, Berlin, and editions de La Difference,Paris in association with Aperture, Inc., New York
1989 - Candlestick Point, essay by Gus Blaisdell, Min Gallery, Tokyo
1991 - Giochi di Simulatzione. Linea di Confine della Provincia di Reggio Emilia, Italy
1992 - Ronde de Nuit, with Olivier Boissiere, CRP, et CCI, Centre Pompidou, Paris
1994 - Les Morts de Newport Beach, Editions de l'Aquarium Agnostique, Editions a
1992 -
Bruit Secret, Valenciennes and Dunquerque
The Deaths In Newport, CD-ROM, Paradox, Rotterdam
Geschichten von Verlangen und Macht, (with Slavica Perkovic) Scalo, Zurich and Berlin
Fukugawa, Masafumi, ed. Rule Without Exception, (catalogue) Kawasaki City Museum, Kawasaki City, Japan
1993 - Lamarche-Vadel, Bernard. Lewis Baltz. Editions de La Difference, Paris
1993 - Stahel, Urs, ed. Regle Ohne Ausnahme, Scalo Verlag, Zurich & Berlin
1991 - Turrell, Julia Brown , ed. Rule Without Exception. Des Moines Art Center and University of New Mexico Press
1992 - Visser, Hripsime. Lewis Baltz: 5 Projects, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
1998 - Butler, Cornelia. Lewis Baltz: Politics of Bacteria, Docile Bodies, Ronde de niut,
the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles and RAM
1998 - Sylvain Roumette, director. Contact: Lewis Baltz, KS Visions, Paris and ARTE
2001 - The New Industrial Parks Near Irvine, California, reprint by RAM/Steidl Verlag
Santa Monica & Gottingen
2001 - Rian, Jeff. Lewis Baltz. Phaidon. London
2005 - The Tract Houses, RAM/Steidl Verlag, Santa Monica & Gottingen
2005 - The Prototype Works, RAM/Steidl Verlag, Santa Monica & Gottingen
2005 - The New Industrial Parks Near Irvine, California, reprint by RAM/Steidl Verlag
Santa Monica & Gottingen
2005 - Works (3-volume set) Whiney Museum, RAM, Steid
2010 - Works (10-volume set), Steidl Publishers


2017 -
Lewis Baltz: Sites of Technology 1989-91, Musée des Arts Contemporains, Hornu, Belgium
Lewis Baltz, Fundación MAPFRE, Madrid, Spain
2015 - Lewis Baltz: Sites of Technology, Wako Works of Art, Tokyo, Japan
2014 - Lewis Baltz: Common Objects, LE BAL, Paris
2013 -
Ronde de Nuit, Gallery Luisotti, Santa Monica, CA
Lewis Baltz, Albertina, Vienna, Austria
2012 -
Lewis Baltz: Park City, Gallery Luisotti, Santa Monica, CA
Lewis Baltz: Works, Tate Modern, London, UK
Kestner Gesellschaft, Hanover, Germany
Kunstmuseum Bonn, Bonn, Germany
2011 - Lewis Baltz: Prototypes/Ronde de Nuit, National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
2010 - Lewis Baltz: Prototypes/ Ronde de Nuit, Art Institute of Chicago, IL
2009 - The Park City Portfolio, California Museum of Photography, University of California at Riverside
2008 - 89/91 Sites of Technology, Gallery Luisotti, Santa Monica, CA
2007 - Museo Civici di Modena, Galerie Thomas Zander, Köln, Germany
2006 -
Desert of Disintegration, Gallery Luisotti, Santa Monica, CA
Kunstverein Bremerhaven, Bremerhaven, Germany
2005 - Galerie Thomas Zander, Köln, Germany
2004 - Galerie Thomas Zander, Köln, Germany
2002 -
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal, Canada
Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton, NJ
Marburger Kunstverein
2001 -
Gallery Luisotti, Santa Monica, CA
Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA
1999 - Gallery Luisotti, Santa Monica
1998 - Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA
1996 - Gallery Luisotti, Santa Monica (with Slavica Perkovic)
1995 - Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humelbaek, Denmark
1994 -
Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humelbaek, Denmark
Amerikahaus, Berlin
1993 -
L'ARC Musee d'art moderne de la Ville de Paris
Fotomuseum Winterthur, Switzerland; Janet Borden, Inc., NY
Musee Henri Martin, Cahors, France
Ecole superieure d'arts plastique, Valenciennes, France
Boca Raton Museum, Boca Raton, Florida
1992 -
Centre Pompidou, Paris
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Kawasaki City Museum, Kawasaki, Japan
1991 -
Mills College Art Gallery, Oakland, CA
Castelli Graphics, New York
Centre Culturel, Vitre, France
Museo Civici, Reggio Emilia, Italy
1990 - New York Institute for Contemporary Art, Museum at P.S.1.
1989 -
Castelli Graphics, New York
Gallery Min, Tokyo
1988 -
Galerie Michele Chomette, Paris
City Museum, Higashikawa-ku, Japan
1987 - Galerie Espace l'Orient, Lorient, France
1986 - Newport Harbor Art Museum
1985 -
Castelli Graphics, New York
Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Galerie Michele Chomette, Paris
1984 - University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C., Canada
1983 - Castelli Graphics, New York
1981 -
Castelli Graphics, New York
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
Otis-Parsons Institute, Los Angeles
1980 -
Werkstatt fur Photographie, Berlin
Galerie Fiolet, Amsterdam
1979 - Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Halifax
1978 - Castelli Graphics, New York
1976 -
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX
Baltimore Museum of Art
1975 - Leo Castelli Gallery, New York
1974 - Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
1973 - Castelli Graphics, New York
1972 - George Eastman House, Rochester, NY
1971 - Castelli Graphics, New York


2017 - Picture Industry, CCS Bard, Annandale-On-Hudson, NY
2013 - Construction/Deconstruction: Defining Architectural Photography, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, (PST II exhibition), CA
2012 -
Galerie Thomas Zander, Köln, Germany
Photograhy Calling!, Fotografie und Gegenwart, Sprengel Museum Hanover, Germany
2011 -
Under the Big Black Sun: California Art 1974-1981, Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art, CA
It Happened at Pomona: Art at the Edge of Los Angeles 1969-1973, Pomona College Museum of Art, CA
Seismic Shift: Lewis Baltz, Joe Deal and California Landscape, California Museum of Photography, University of California at Riverside
Hyper Real – Realismem in Malerei und Fotgrafie, MUMOK, Museum moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna, Austria
New Topographics: Photographs of a Man-Altered Landscape, Landesgalerie Linz, Austria
2010 -
Anonymes, Le Bal, Paris, France
1969, P.S. 1 Contemporary Art Center, New York
Identité(s) / Territorialité(s), FRAC, Haute-Normandie, Sotteville-lès-Rouen
New Topographics: Photographs of a Man-Altered Landscape – San Francisco Museum of Modern Art – SFMOMA, San Francisco, CA
2009 -
Several Silences, The Renaissance Society, Chicago, IL
New Topographics: Photographs of a Man-Altered Landscape, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA
Collection: MoCA’s First Thirty Years, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA
Impressions en continu – Steidl l'art du livre, Musée de l´Elysée, Lausanne, Switzerland
Reality Revisted – Moderna Museet, Stockholm
2008 - Robert Adams, Lewis Baltz, Frank Gohlke, Yancey Richardson Gallery, New York
2007 -
Ingenuity, Calouste Golbenkian Center, Lissabon
Life is Stranger Than Fiction, Albertina Museum, Wien
Views of Water, Yokohama Museum of Art, Japan
Des fantomes et des anges, Musée d'Art Moderne, Villeneuve-d'Ascq
Art for Yale: Collecting for the 21st Century, Yale University Art Museum, New Haven, CT
2006 -
TRANS EMILIA, Collection Linea di Confine, Fotomuseum Winterthur, Schweiz und SK-Stiftung, Köln
Tempo Moderno, Palazzo Ducale, Genua
2004 - Evidence of Impact: Art and Photography 1963-1978, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
2003 - Cruel And Tender, Tate Modern, London
2001 - America, Postmasters, New York
2000 -
Afterimages, Kunsthaus Zurich
Venezia/ Marghera II, Assessori di Cultura Commune de Venezia, Italy
How You Look At It, Sprengel Museum Hannover, circulating to Staedl Museum, Frankfurt
Via Emilia 2, Linea di confine, Rubiera, Italy
Made in California, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, CA
Luoghi come paessagi/ Places as Landscape, Uffizi Gallery, Florence
Walker Evans & Company, Museum of Modern Art, New York
Architectural Interiors, Tatinsian Gallery, New York
Exurbia, Gallery Luisotti, Santa Monica, CA
1999 -
The American Century, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
Sculpture in Context, Addison Gallery of American Art, Phillips Academy, Andover
The American Century in Photography, Phillips Collection, Washington D.C.
Tommorow Forever: Photographie als Ruine, Kunsthalle Krems, Austria, and Museum Kuppersmuhle, Duisberg, Germany
The Promise of Photography, Centre Nationale de la Photographie, Paris
La Ville, Le Jardin, La Memoire: 1999 La Memoire, Academie de France a Rome, Villa Medici
Laboratorium, Antwerpen Open, Antwerp
Changement d'air, Musee d'art moderne Lille Metropole
1999 -
Views from the End of the World, Marlborough Gallery, New York
Cities on the Move 6, About Gallery, Bangkok
Absolut Secret, Royal College of Art, London
PUBLIC@DOMAIN, Triennale of Austria, Graz
Espace: Modes d'emploi, FRAC Bretagne, Brest
Construction or Reality, Museum of Art, Lillehammer, Norway
Nous Nous Tant Aimes, Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris
1998 -
Icons: Bilder der Stadt, Initiative Architecture, Salzburg., Catalogue
Matrix , Berkeley: 20 Years, University Art Museum, University of California, Berkeley, Catalogue
1997 -
Absolute Landscape, Yokohama Museum of Art., Catalogue
Aufriss: Kunstlerische Positionen zur Industrielandschaft in der Mitte
Europas, Museum Grassi, Leipzig and Brandenburgische
Zurich 97, Kunsthaus Zurich., Catalogue
Scene of the Crime, Armand Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, CA
Inexplicable Presence(Curator's Working Place), Moderna Galerija
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Regards d'artistes, Chapelle du Mejan, Arles., Catalogue
L'oeil alerte, FRAC Bretagne, Rennes
Trash, Museo de Arte Moderne e Contempranea di Trento e Rovereto
The 90's: A Family of Man?, Casino Luxembourg Forum d'art contemporaine, Luxembourg
Alternating Currents: American Art in the Age of Technology, San Jose Museum of Art, CA
Rethinking Topographics, Gallery Luisotti, Santa Monica, CA
1996 -
Prospect 96, Shirn Kunsthalle and Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfort., Catalogue
1995 -
Ars 95, Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki, Finland., Catalogue
Die Fotografie nach der Fotografie, Aktionforum Praterinsel, Munich and circulating., Catalogue
La Monde Apres la Photographie, Musee d'art mopderne, Villeneuve d'Ascq, and Villa Arrson, Nice., Catalogue
Triennale, Esslingen, Germany, Catalogue
1994 -
La Ville, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris., Catalogue
The Act of Seeing (Urban Space), Foundation pour l'Architecture, Brussels
1993 -
Critical Landscapes, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography., Catalogue
Photographs From the Real World, Lillehammer Art Museum, Lillehammer, Norway
Industrial Effects, The Art Institute of Chicago, Catalogue
In Close Quarters, Princeton University Art Museum, NJ
Paris-Sarajevo Tombola, Galerie Sous-Sol, Paris
Anniversary Gifts, Henie-Onstad Kunstsenter, Oslo, Norway., Catalogue
1992 -
Voyeurism, Jayne Baum Gallery, New York
Wasteland, Rotterdam Biennial III., Catalogue
Real Visons, Galerie Bodo Nieman, Berlin
Linea di Confine, Architekturhaus, Graz, Austria
Paysages Mis A Nu, Fond National Art Contemporain, Calais
Point of View, Addison Gallery, Phillips Academy, Andover
1991 -
L'oeurve photographique consideree comme un etat de sculpture, Galerie Michele Chomette, Paris
Installazione Molino Gandini, Scandiano, Italy
1991 -
Site Work: Architecture In Photography Since Early Modernism, The Photographers' Gallery, London
American Abstraction at the Addison, Addison Gallery of American Art, Andover, MA
Fotografica Americana Del S.XX, Fundacio "la Caixa", Barcelona
Selections From the Permanent Collection 1975-1990, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA
Photographing L.A. Architecture, Turner/Krull Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
1990 -
Five Years of Photography In Fine Art, Macintosh Museum, Glasgow, Scotland
The New American Pastoral: Landscape Photography In the Age of Questioning, International Museum of Photography at George Eastman House, Rochester, NY
D'un art, l'autre, La Vielle Charite and les Musees de Marseilles, France
Signs of Life: Process and Materials, 1960-1990, ICA Philadelphia, PA
Structures and Shelters, Rena Bransten Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Perspectives on Place, San Diego State University, CA
1989 -
La Lumiere du Temps, Fond Regionale Art Contemporaine, Bretagne, Chateaugiron
Photography Now, Victoria and Albert Museum, London
On the Art of Fixing A Shadow: One Hundred and Fifty Years of Photography, National Gallery of Art, Washington .D.C., Art Institute of Chicago and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art., Catalogue
The Presence of Photographs In the Learning of Urban and Territorial Projects, School of Architecture, Politechnic of Milan
Trends 89, Kawasaki Museum, Kawasaki City, Japan.,Catalogue
Landscape, International Seminar, Alden Biessen, Belgium
1988 -
Evocative Presence, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston., Catalogue
Dag Alveng/Lewis Baltz, Museet for Photokunst, Odense, Denmark
Castelli Graphics 1969-1988, Castelli Graphics, New York
Dialectical Landscapes: Nuovo Passagio Americano, Palazzo Fortuny, Venice., Catalogue
Preoccupations, Victoria and Albert Museum, London
American Dreams, Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid. Catalogue
1987 -
Modern Photography and Beyond, National Museum of Modern Art,Kyoto, Japan., Catalogue
Photography and Art, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, circulating to
Queens Museum and Des Moines Art Center., Catalogue
Recent Acquisitions, Museum of Modern Art, New York
Lewis Baltz: RENO / Anthony Hernandez: LAS VEGAS, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, circulating to University of Nevada, Reno., Catalogue
Von Landschaftbild zur Spurensicherung, Museum Ludwig, Koln., Catalogue
1986 -
The Real Big Picture, The Queens Museum, New York
Californie, Galerie Michele Chomette, Paris
Facets of Modernisms San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
New Acquisitions, New Landscapes, Victoria and Albert Museum London
Ansel Adams and American Landscape Photography, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra., Catalogue
Viewsand Visions: Recent American Landscape Photography, Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield, Conn
1985 -
American Images, Barbican Art Gallery, London, circulating to venues in the United Kingdom., Catalogue
Joe Bishop AIDS Benefit, Richard Kuhlenschmidt Gallery, Los Angeles
Paris-New York-Tokyo, Tsukuba Museum, Tokyo., Catalogue
Images Of Excellence, International Museum of Photography at George Eastman House, circulating to the Norton Gallery, Palm Beach, Fla., Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Cedar` Rapids Museum of Art, Minnesota Museum of Art, Toledo Museum of Art., Catalogue
Lewis Baltz/Mikal Levin, Fotografiska Museet, Moderna Museet, Stockholm
Robert Adams, Lewis Baltz, Joel Sternfeld: Three Photographers
of the Man-Altered Landscape, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University
Second-Site: Major Works, Eaton/Shoen Gallery, San Francisco
Symposion uber Photographie, Forumstadtpark, Graz, Austria
1984 -
The Automobile and Culture, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, circulating to Detroit Art Institute., Catalogue
Fifteenth Anniversary Exhibition, Castelli Graphics, New York
La Photographie Creative, Pavillion des Arts de la Ville de Paris
Construire les Paysages de la Photographie: 21 Auteurs et
Plasticiens Contemporaine, Caves St. Croix, Metz., Catalogue
Photography in California, 1945-1980, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, circulating to Akron Art Museum, Corcoran Gallery of Art, High Museum of Art,
Atlanta, Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University; Museum Folkwang Essen, Germany, and theMusee nationale d'art moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou., Catalogue
Le Territoire, Cahier de la Photographie, Rencontres Internationale de la Photographie, Arles
Responding To Photography: Selected Work From Private Collections
Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto., Catalogue
3-Dimensional Photographs/ 3-Dimensional Paintings, Carl SolwayGallery, Cincinatti
1983 -
3-Dimensional Photographs, Castelli Graphics, New York
L'architecture: Sujet, Objet, ou Pretexte, Musee de Beaux-Arts, Agen,
France, circulating to Musee Bonnat, Bayonne and Galerie des Beaux-Arts, Bordeaux., Catalogue
3-Dimensional Photographs, Hermann Wunsche Gallery, Bonn
Photography and the Industrial Image, New York University
1982 -
International Photography 1920-1980, National Gallery of Australia Canberra., Catalogue
Urban America, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
American Photography Today, University of Colorado, Denver
California Photography, Rhode Island School of Design., Catalogue
Slices of Time: California Landscapes 1860-1880 and 1960-1980
Oakland Museum., Catalogue
Space Framed, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University
Symposion uber Photographie, Forumstadtpark, Graz, Austria
Urban Venacular, Henry Art Gallery, Univ. of Washington, Seattle
1981 -
New Topographics: Recent Photographs by Three Americans,
Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol, England, circulating to venues through England., Catalogue
Photography: A Sense Of Order, ICA Philadelphia. ,Catalogue
Looking At America, Photographs from the Collection, Addison Gallery
of American Art, Phillip Academy, Andover, Mass
American Photographs 1970-1980, Whatcom Museum of Art,
Bellingham, WA., Catalogue
San Francisco Art Institute Alumni Exhibition. SFAI., Catalogue
1980 -
Photographie als Kunst: Kunst als Photographie, Salzburg Festival of the Arts, Festival of Bregenz, Museum Modderner Kunst, Vienna., Catalogue
Arte Americana Contemporanea, Civici Musei E Gallerie Di Storia E Arte, Udine, Italy., Catalogue
.A Sense of Place: The American Landscape in Recent Art, Hampshire College Art Gallery, Amherst, MA., Catalogue
Large Spaces In Small Places: A Survey of American Landscape Photography, E.B. Crocker Art Museum, Sacremento, CA., Catalogue
Amalgam, Castelli Graphics, New York
Aspects of the 1970's, DeCordova Museum, Lincoln, MA
Venturi and Rausch Architecture, Kunstgewerbermuseum, Zurich
Industrial Sights, Whitney Museum, Downtown Branch
1979 -
Lewis Baltz, Mark Cohen, Eve Sonneman. Moderna Museet, Stockholm circulating to Malmo Museum, Malmo, Sweden, Odense Kunstmuseum Odense, Denmark, Esbjerg Kunstpavillion, Esbjerg, Denmark, Nordjyllonds Kunstmuseum, Galborg, Denmark, Tranegargenm, Copenhagen, and Henie-Onstad Foundation, Oslo, Norway
American Images, Corcoran Gallery of Art, Wash. D.C., circulating to International Center for Photography, New York, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Minneapolis Institute of the Arts, University of Texas, Austin, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Seattle Art Museum, New York State Museum, Albany., Catalogue
1978 -
Architectures, Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris
Mirrors and Windows: American Photography Since 1960, Museum of
Modern Art, New York, circulating to the Cleveland Museum of Art,
Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, J.B. Speed Art Museum, Louisville, KY,
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Krannert Art Museum, University of Illinois,
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, Milwaukee Art Museum, Musee d'art moderne de Ville de Paris, Louisiana Musuem, Humlebaek, Denmark, Fundacion Juan March, Madrid, City Art Center, Edinburgh, Trinity College, Dublin., Catalogue
The Photograph As Artifice, California State University, Long Beach, circulating in California., Catalogue
23 Photographers: 23 Directions, Kirklands International Exhibition, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool., Catalogue
Certain Landscapes, Castrelli Graphics, New York
Courthouse: A Photographic Document, Art Institute of Chicago
Additional Information, University of Maryland, College Park
Baltz, Deal, Gohlke, Shore, Werkstatt fur Photographie, Berlin
Changing Prospects, National Gallery of Canada., Catalogue
Facades, Hayden Art Gallery, M. I.T., Cambridge, MA
1977 -
La Photographie creatrice au XXe Siecle, Musee national d'Art moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris
Biennial Exhibition,Whitney Museum of American Art, New York., Catalogue
American Photographers , Forumstadtpark, Graz, Austria, circulating to Galerie im Taxispalais, Innsbruck, Museum des XX Jahrhunderts, Vienna., Catalogue
1977 -
Concerning Photography, Photographer's Gallery, London., Catalogue
Master Photographs from Toronto Collections, York University Art Gallery, Toronto., Catalogue
Art and Architecture, Galerie Magers, Bonn.,Catalogue
1976 -
IXe Biennale de Paris a Nice, La Galerie de des Ponchettes et la de la Galerie de la Marine, Nice., Catalogue
Photography For Collectors, Museum of Modern Art, New York
Contemporary American Photography, Edinburgh Art Festival
Project Rebuild, Grey Art Gallery, New York University
Photographs of the American Landscape, The Print Club, Philadelphia
America As Art, National Gallery of American Art, Washington, D.C.
1975 -
Ixe Biennale de Paris, Musee d'Art Moderne de Ville de Paris., Catalogue
New Topographics, George Eastman House, Rochester, N.Y. circulating to
Otis-Parsons Art Institute and the University Art Museum, Princeton., Catalogue
14 American Photographers, Baltimore Museum of Art, circulating to Newport Harbor Art Museum, La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, and Fort Worth Art Museum., Catalogue
1974 -
Photography Unlimited, Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University
Art Now'74, Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, D.C
1973 -
Two Americans, Musee d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris
Contemporary Documents, School of Art, Yale University
Recent Acquisitions, Museum of Modern Art, New York
Group Exhibition, Castelli Graphics, New York
24 from LA, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
1972 - Man and His Environment, Pasadena Museum of Modern Art
1971 -
The Crowded Vacancy: Three Los Angeles Photographers, Memorial Union Art Gallery, U.C. Davis circulating to the Pasadena Museum of Modern Art and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
West of the Rockies, George Eastman House at Oakland Museum
1970 - California Photographers 1970, Pasadena Museum of Modern Art


1973, 1977 - National Endowment For the Arts
1977 - John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship
1980 - US-UK Bicentennial Exchange Fellowship
1991 - Charles Pratt Memorial Award
2000 - Visiting Artist, American Academy, Rome


Addison Gallery of American Art, Phillips Academy, Andover
Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto
Art Institute of Chicago
Australian National Gallery, Canberra
Baltimore Museum of Art
Bank of America (La Salle Bank) Art Collection, Chicago, IL
Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris
Boca Raton Museum of Art, Florida
Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, NY
California Museum of Photography, University of California, Riverside, CA
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montreal, Canada
Center For Creative Photography, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson
Centre Culturel, Vitre, France
Cincinatti Art Museum
Cleveland Museum of Art
Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Dallas Museum of Art
Davison Art Center, Wesleyan University
Des Moines Art Center
Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University
Fond nationale d'Art contemporaine, Paris
Fond regionale d'Art contemporaine, Bretagne
Fotomuseum Winterthur, Switzerland
George Eastman House, Rochester, New York
Guggenheim Museum, New York
Henie-Onstad Foundation, Oslo
Henry Art Gallery, Seattle, WA
High Museum of Art, Atlanta
Houston Museum of Fine Arts, TX
International Center for Photography, New York
Kawasaki City Museum, Kawasaki, Japan
La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego
Library of Congress, Washington, DC
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Humlebaek, Denmark
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo
Milwaukee Art Museum
Minneapolis Institute of Art
Moderna Museet, Stockholm
Musei Civici, Reggio Emilia, Italy
Museo Civico E Gallerie D'Arte, Udine, Italy
Museo Fortuny, Venice
Musee d'art moderne de la Ville de Paris
Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki
Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles
Museum of Contemporary Photography, Columbia School of Art, Chicago, IL
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Museum of Fine Arts, Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe
Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, Fl.
Museum of Modern Art, New York
Museum Folkwang, Essen, Germany
National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
National Museum of American Art, Washington, D.C.
National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto
Neuberger Museum, State University of New York, Purchase, NY
Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, NV
Norton Museum of Art
Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena, CA
Newport Harbor Art Museum/Orange County Museum of Art, Newport Beach, CA
Oakland Museum, Oakland, CA
Palazzo Fortuny, Venice, Italy
Palm Springs Art Museum, CA
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Pomona Museum of Art, Pomona College, Claremont, CA
Power Institute of Contemporary Art, University of Sydney, Australia
Princeton University Art Museum, Princeton, NJ
Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, Florida
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
San Jose Museum of Art
Sprengel Museum Hannover, Germany
Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
Tokyo Polytechnic, Tokyo, Japan
TATE Modern, London, UK
Union Bank of Switzerland, Zurich
University Art Museum,University of California, Berkeley
University of Maryland, Baltimore County, MD
University Art Museum, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
University Art Museum, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
University of Oklahoma, Norman
University of California, Los Angeles, Frederick Wight Art Gallery, CA
University of California, Davis, Memorial Union Art Gallery, CA
Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Wellesley College Art Museum,Wellesley, Massachusetts
Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
Williams College Art Museum, Williamstown, MA
Yale University Art Museum

Lewis BALTZの書籍