Kyungwoo CHUN
チョン・キョンウ(1969年ソウル生まれ)は、長年にわたり写真プロジェクトに取り組み、観客が積極的に参加するパフォーマンスを展開してきた。長時間の露光による動きのブレが特徴的なポートレート写真で世界的に知られるようになった。一見すると多様な芸術的アプローチに見えるが、チュンはパフォーマンスも写真も等しく 「目に見えないものの目に見える現れ 」だと考えている。
チョン・キョンウの作品は、ヨーロッパと韓国で数多くの個展やグループ展で発表されている。さらに、バルセロナ、ソウル、ベルリン、リバプール、チューリッヒ、ムンバイ、ブレーメン、ニューヨークなど多くの都市で、市民参加型のパフォーマンスを数多く実現してきた。彼の作品は、ヒューストン美術館(MFAH)、アムステルダムのHuis Marseille stichting voor fotografie、エムデン美術館、オーデンセ写真美術館、ヴィトリー・シュル・セーヌのMac/Val美術館、ソウル写真美術館、韓国国立現代美術館(MMCA)など、主要な美術館に収蔵されている。
1992 - B.F.A. in Photography, College of Arts, Chung-Ang University, Korea
2000 - Diploma in Kommunikationsdesign, Universitaet Wuppertal, Germany
2019 - The Invisible Words-Personal Notes of Kyungwoo Chun, Hyundae Munhak Books, Seoul
2018 - Kyungwoo Chun-Ordinary Unknown (Text: Soukyun Lee, Ingo Clauss), Sungkok Art Museum, Seoul
2011 - Kyungwoo Chun-Performance Raisonné I (Text: Jiyoon Lee), IANN Books, Seoul
2011 - Kyungwoo Chun-Photographs (Text: Hyeyoung Shin), IANN Books, Seoul
2011 - bild.klang.los- Ein Trialog von Kyungwoo Chun, Kunsu Shim und Gerhard Stäbler (Text: Hella Melkert, Peter Friese)
2009 - PFAU Verlag, Saarbrücken
2009 - Being a Queen-Kyungwoo Chun (Text: Louise Wolthers, Rune Gade, Nathalie Boseul Shin), Forlaget Vandkunsten, Copenhagen
2009 - Art.es – project #26 (Text: Peter Friese), Madrid, Spain
2008 - ARCHIVO-Thousands, Amsterdam (Text: Urs Stahel), the Netherlands
2008 - Kyungwoo Chun-Thousands (Texts: Wulf Herzogenrath, Nils Ohlsen, Jiyoon Lee, Urs Stahel), Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern
2007 - Believing is Seeing (Text: Hyeyoung Shin), Gaain Gallery, Seoul
2005 - KYUNGWOO CHUN-photographs, video performances (Texts: Stephan Berg, Minseong Kim, Susanne Pfeffer), Hatje Cantz, Ostfildern
2005 - Souvenirs (Text: Mika Elo), Sigongart, Seoul
2004 - KYUNGWOO CHUN, the Museum of Photography (Text: Seungkon Kim, Hanmi Foundation of Culture and Arts), Seoul
2004 - INTERVALS (Text: Lech Lechowicz), FF Gallery, Lodz
2003 - EIDOLON (Text: Enrique Ordonez, Jaana Pruess), Alexander Ochs Galleries, Berlin,
2003 - this appearance-Kyungwoo Chun, Staedtische Galerie Delmenhorst edition23, Delmenhorst
2001 - KYUNGWOO CHUN 1998-2001 (Texts: Finn Thrane, Enno Kaufhold), Sunggok Art Museum, Seoul
1994 - AURA (Text: Juseok Park), Batanggol Gallery, Seoul
Kyungwoo Chun-Most Beautiful, Bernhard Knaus Fine Art, Frankfurt, Germany
Kyungwoo Chun-The Weight, The Museum of Photography Seoul, Seoul, Korea
Kyungwoo Chun-Vice Versa, Laznia-Center for Contemporary Art, Gdansk, Poland
Presences-Performance Exhibition, Coreana Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
Kyungwoo Chun-Seoul Sazin, EfremidisGallery, Berlin, Germany
Kyungwoo Chun-Ordinary Unknown, Sungkok Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
Kyungwoo Chun-Face of Face, Bernhard Knaus Fine Art, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Kyungwoo Chun - The Most Beautiful Weight (artist in residence) , MAC-VAL - musée d'art contemporain Val-de-Marne, Vitry-sur-Seine, France
Nueve Editoras, Galería JosédelaFuente, Santander, Spain
nine editors, Bernhard Knaus Fine Art, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Portraits, HADA Contemporary, London, UK
Interpreters, Gaain Gallery, Seoul, Korea
Seventeen Moments, Galeria Nuble, Santander, Spain
Perfect Relay, Staedtische Galerie Delmenhorst, Germany
Response, Kunsthalle Göppingen, Göppingen, Germany
Versus, Galerie Andres Thalmann, Zurich, Switzerland
Thousands, Kunsthalle Erfurt, Erfurt, Germany
San & Sebastian (2-person), Galeria Arteko, Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain
Thousands, Laznia-Center for Contemporary Art, Gdansk, Poland
Simultan, Bernhard Knaus Fine Art, Frankfurt, Germany
Thousands and other works, SKL Gallery, Palma, Spain
Being a Queen, The Museum of Photography, Seoul, Korea
Departure Songs, Galerie DNA, Berlin, Germany
Being a Queen, Kunsthal Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark
Burden or Support, video and performance, both exhibitions arranged by Galleri Image, Aarhus, Denmark
Thousands, Kunsthalle Emden, Germany
BreaThings, Gaain Gallery, Seoul, Korea
Thousands, Total Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea
Thousands-fragments, Galeria Raquel Ponce, Madrid
Thousands-Miles, Centro Huarte-Centro de Arte Contemporáneo, Navarra, Spain
BreaThings, Bernhard Knaus Fine Art, Frankfurt, Germany
Thousands- fragments, Fifty One Fine Art Photography, Antwerp, Belgium
SAPPHO: OHPPAS, Kunstverein Ruhr, Essen, Germany
Last Works, Galería Nuble, FOCONORTE-festival de fotografía y vídeo, Santander, Spain
Silence is Movement, Galerie DNA, Berlin, Germany
Projecting Life Indoors (2-person), Casa Asia, Barcelona, Spain
Versus & Believing is Seeing, Gallery Van Zoetendaal, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Believing is Seeing, Gaain Gallery, Seoul, Korea
Versus, Galeria Arteko, Donodtia-San Sebsatian, Spain
Versus, Galeria Raquel Ponce, Madrid, Spain
screen sprit_continued/ KYUNGWOO CHUN, Staedtische Galerie im Buntentor Bremen, Germany
IN/FINITE, photography, video, Galerie Bernhard Knaus, Mannheim, Germany
Pseudonym, Fifty One Fine Art Photography, Antwerp, Belgium
100 Questions - Photographs, Video Installation, Stiftung DKM, Duisburg, Germany
Dialog, Kuenstlerhaus Goettingen, Germany
A Naming Game (video, photographs, and performance), Galería Arteko, San Sebastian, Spain
A Day in Seoul, Van Zoetendaal Gallery, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Kyungwoo Chun, the Museum of Photography (Hanmi Art Foundation), Seoul, Korea
Intervals, Galeria FF, Lodz, Poland
Kyungwoo Chun ‘reMEMBERed,’ Odense Foto Triennale, Brandts Klædefabrik Odense, Denmark
Eidolon, Pruess & Ochs Gallery, Berlin, Germany
this appearance, Staedtische Galerie Delmenhorst, Germany
Kyungwoo Chun 1998–2001, Sungkok Art Museum, Seoul, Korea
Thirty Minutes Dialog, Galleri Image, Aarhus, Denmark
Zeitraum im Verschwinden, Werkraum Uerdingerstrasse, Cologne, Germany
Aura, Ba-Tang-Gol Gallery, Seoul, Korea
The Better Man 1948-2020, Ilmin Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
To Reach a Star, Gwangju Museum of Art, Gwangju, Korea
Beyond Line: The Art of Korean Writing, LACMA-Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, USA
The Phenomenon of the Mind : Facing Yourself, Museum of Contemporary Art Busan, Busan, Korea
Persona grata?, MAC-VAL - musée d'art contemporain Val-de-Marne,Vitry-sur-Seine, France
Poetic Diction , Pohang Museum of Steel Art, Pohang , Korea
Exit from Paradine (public programme), Somerset House/Photo London, London, UK
Verborgene Gesichter. Portraits im Blickpunkt, Kulturstiftung Schloss Agathenburg, Agathenburg, Germany
The Portrait with(out) Artists , SeMA-Nam Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
186 FEUILLES , LA COLLECTION DE DESSINS ET DE PHOTOS DE VITRY-SUR-SEINEDEPUIS 1979, Galerie Municipale Jean-Collet, Vitry-sur-Seine, France
6th Moscow Biennale/ Reverse Point Asia-Special Project, State Museum-Reserve ·Tsaritsyno·, Moscow, Russia
SHOOT: About Performance, DNA, Berlin, Germany
Real in Irreal, Wooyang Museum of Contemporary Art, Gyeonju, Korea
Busan Biennale 2014 , Busan Cultural Center Grand Medium Gallery, Busan, Korea
Changwon Sculpture Biennale 2014, Moonshin Art Museum of Changwon, Changwon, Korea
Fluctuaciones y Perfiles Remotos , Galeria Nuble, Santander, Spain
Silence is Movement, Artclub 1563, Seoul, Korea
Photography and Society - Social Art, Daejeon Museum of Art, Daejeon, Korea
Still -Phot ography in the Museum, MODEM Centre for Modern and Contemporary Arts, Debrecen, Hungary
Haein Art Project, Haeinsa Temple, Habcheon, Korea
What is it to be Chinese?(Kyungwoo Chun, FX Harsono, Truong Ngu, Tintin Wulia, David Zink Yi), Grimmuseum, Berlin, Germany
5th European Month of Photography Berlin, IN TRANSIT-THE VIEW OF OTHER, Bahnhof Ostkreuz, Berlin, Germany
Project Daejeon 2012: Energy, Daejeon Museum of Art, Daejeon, Korea
Growing Together, Galeria Nuble, Santander, Spain
Breda Photo-International Photo Festival, MOTI, Museum of the Image, Breda, the Netherlands
AND Festival-festival of new cinema, digital culture & art/ Blue Crystal Ball, Holden Gallery, Manchaster, UK
Blue Crystal Ball: Samsung Olympic Games Media Art Collection, De La Warr Pavilion, East Bexhill Sussex, UK
Portrait of Time, Can Foundation, Beijing, China
En samling, Galleri Image, Aarhus, Denmark
Believing is Seeing, Ffotogallery at Turner House, Cardiff, UK
Series of Portraits - A Centry of Photographs, Museum fuer Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg, Germany
Isabelle Huppert: Woman of Many Faces, The Museum of Photography, Seoul, Korea
Interview & Artists as an Interviewer, Arko Art Center, Arts Council Korea , Seoul, Korea
C Action Photo Virus, Langhans Galerie, Prague, Czech Republic
Liverpool Biennial : Media Landscape, Zone East, Contemporary Urban Centre, Liverpool, UK
Chaotic Harmony: Contemporary Korean Photography, Santa Barbara Museum of Art, USA
Man Ray and his heratage, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
Darmstaedter Tage der Fotografie, Darmstadt, Germany
Reflections, DNA, Berlin
ICONOTEXTES, Jeju Museum of Art, Jeju, Korea
Chaotic Harmony: Contemporary Korean Photography, The Museum of Fine Art, Houston, TX
WHITE SPACES, a concert on the occasion of Gerhard Stäbler's 60. birthday, Wilhelm Lehmruck Museum, Duisburg
ARCHIVO, curarted by Willem van Zoetendaal, MK Galerie, Berlin
Hangul=Spirit: Inspired by Korean Charlacters, Korean Cultural Centre, UK, London
TRIALOG I, II - video, music, performance with Kunsu Shm and Gerhard Staebler, Total Museum of Contemporary Art, Gaain Gallery, Seoul, Korea
TRIALOG III- video, music, performance with with Kunsu Shm and Gerhard Staebler, Kumho Art Hall, Seoul, Korea
Liverpool Biennial: Fantasy Studio, A Foundation, Liverpool, UK
Verticals, Gallery Van Zoetendaal, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
SAPPHO, video installation with live music/ with Gerhard Staebler, WDR Musik Fest, Duisburg Landschaftspark, Germany
Writing Paintings, Painting Words, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
NY C Photo Exhibition, Phillips de Pury & Company, New York, USA
Angelegenheiten, die sich daraus ergeben, Kuenstlerhaus Bremen, Bremen, Germany
Landscape of Korean Contemporary Photography, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
Soft Power Exhibition, Korea Foundation cultural center, Seoul, Korea
Statements, Bernhard Knaus Fina Art, Frankfurt, Germany
Slow, Miki Wick Kim Contemporary Art, Zurich, Switzerland
Tijdens fotomanifestatie Contrasten 1, museum goudA, Gouda, The Netherlands
White Spaces, Video Installation with concert (in collaboration with Gerhand Staebler), Tonhalle, Duesseldorf, Germany
Busan Biennale 2006, Busan Metropolitan Art Museum, Busan, Korea
El mar que tiene dos nombres. Videoarte de Corea, Casa Asia, Barcelona, Spain
Daegu Photo Biennale, Daegu, Korea
TINA B. Contemporary Art Festival Prague, Gallery Nova sin, Prague, Czech Republic
Artspectrum 2006, Leeum / Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
Paik and Beyond, Sonderschau Art Cologne, Cologne, Germany
Asia - the place to be?, Alexander Ochs Galleries Berlin/ Beijing, Germany
Galeris Neuvelles Images, the Hague, the Netherlands
Wirklichkeit des Individuums, Kunsthalle Mannheim, Germany
Der Rest der Welt, Neuffer am Park Pirmasens, Germany
The Third Asian Photography, Guardian Garden, Tokyo, Japan
Identitaet und Ideal, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, Germany
Perspektiven —81. Herbstausstellung niedersaechsischer Künstler, Kunstverein Hannover, Germany
portrait: portrait, Pruess & Ochs Gallery (formerly Asian Fine Arts Berlin), Berlin Germany
International Young Art 2002, The Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts, New York, Sotheby’s Amsterdam, and Sotheby’s Tel Aviv
Bremer Foerderpreis fuer Bildende Kunst, Städtische Galerie im Buntentor Bremen, Germany
Hall of Mirrors/Variants of the Portraits, Museet for Fotokunst, Brandts Klædefabrik
Odense, Denmark
Internationale Photoszene Koeln 2000, Deutsches Sport & Olympia Museum, Cologne, Germany
Schwarz und Weiss, Museum Schloss Morsbroich, Leverkusen, Germany
Galerie im Funkhaus des MDR, Magdeburg, Germany
Artriumgalerie des Willy-Brandt-Hauses, Berlin, Germany
2009 - Artist-in-residence, Centro Cultural Andratx, Majorca, Spain
2008 - Public Art Competition-Hochschule Bremen, Bremen, Germany
2008 - Grant, Art Council Korea
2008 - Commision by Duisbueger Philharmonie, Germany
2007 - Grant, Artists in Residence, DIVA Exchange Program, the Danish Arts Council (hosted by Galleri Image, Aarhus), Denmark
2007 - Grant, Ivory Press, London, U.K.
2007 - Hanmi Photography Prize 2007, the Museum of Photography (Hanmi Foundation for Arts and Culture), Seoul, Korea
2006 - Commission, Tonhalle Duesseldorf, Germany
2001, 2005 - Grant from the Korean Culture and Arts Foundation, Korea
2004 - Artist-in-residence, Centro Cultural Andratx, Majorca, Spain
2004 - Commission, Fundación Centro Ordónez, Falcon de FotografÌa, San Sebastian, Spain
2001–02 - Artist Scholarship from the City of Delmenhorst, Niedersachsen, Germany
Huis Marseille stichting voor fotografie, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Museum fuer Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Gemeentemuseum, The Hague, The Netherlands
Vedder Collection, Zollikon, Switzerland
Museet for Fotokunst, Brandts Klaedefabrik Odense, Denmark
The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, TX, U.S.A.
Sammlung Alison & Peter W. Klein, Eberdingen-Nussdorf, Germany
The Caldic Collection, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Burger Collection, Zurich, Switzerland
Kunst en Complex Collection, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Haus Coburg, Staedtische Galerie Delmenhorst, Germany
Fundación Centro Ordónez, Falcon de FotografÌa, Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain
Centro Cultural Andratx-CCA, Spain
Museum DKM, Duisburg, Germany
The Museum of Photography (Gahyeon Foundation of Culture), Seoul, Korea
Fortis Bank Collection, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Kunsthalle Emden, Emden, Germany
Kunsthalle Goeppingen, Goeppingen, Germany
Galleri Image, Aarhus, Denmark
Daejeon Museum of Art, Daejeon, Korea
Seoul Museum of Art, Korea
National Museum of Contemporary Art, Gwacheon, Korea
Olympic Museum, Lausanne, Switzerland
Laznia-Center for Contemporary Art, Gdansk, Poland
Bank Vontobel, Zurich, Switzerland
Gyonggi Children's Museum, Yongin, Korea