Tiny Christs

Tiny Christs

LIN Yu-Chih

Publisher: Origini Edizioni

The book is wrapped in full colored tissue paper (randomly selected).

“For one can call the universe a myth, since in it bodies and things are apparent, spirits and understandings hidden” – Saturninius Secundus Salutius

“Tiny Christs” by Taiwanese photographer Lin Yu-Chih, published by Italian Origini Edizioni, takes the reader on a carefully crafted, delicate journey to Lin’s friends and acquaintances in China and Thailand. Or rather, a journey into Lin’s recollection of his encounters. The handmade book (in an edition of 150) and its ambiguous, somewhat hazy black-and-white photography creates an almost dream-like atmosphere, in which one recalls someone else’s memories in-between blank pages.

Book Size
320 × 260 mm
50 pages, 40 images
Publication Date
Limited Edition

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