Akane and Ume

Akane and Ume


Publisher: Akaaka Art Publishing

Akane to ume - Rubia and plum: the name of these two plants lend their name to a series of photographs Japanese photographer Jiro Nomura has taken of his own family.
A house outside the city, in an area where wild forests of plum trees have managed to remain. The views that appear in its windows makes you keenly aware of the shadows that lurk inside. The family members that appear in the portraits again and again seem familiar, yet the atmosphere continues to tighten—very gently—and suddenly something feels askew.
Plum blossoms that seem to erupt like a volcano, vortexes of water, the family dog in the snow, pictures of women staring back at the camera…
A rare, precious photobook in which light turns into one of life’s menaces.

Keywords: Family


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Book Size
205 x 245 mm
96 pages
Publication Date

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Eriko KOGA


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