Born in 1951 in Osaka, Japan. Morimura currently lives in Osaka. He exhibited his first self-portrait work, Portrait/Van Gogh, in 1985. Since then, he has continued to present "self-portrait photographs in the disguise of something or someone" on a variety of subjects with the consistent theme of "I". His works are completed by approaching the subjects (people and artworks) from his unique perspective while incorporating meticulous research, self-created dioramas and studio set construction, costumes and makeup, etc. At the same time, he has been involved in a wide range of activities including video, performance, and writing. His major works include Art History series, Actress series, and A Requiem series. Having established M@M (Morimura@Museum) in 2018, where visitors can view Morimura's documents and self-produced exhibitions, Morimura continues to work both domestically and internationally.

Selected Solo Exhibitions

KAO, M@M, Osaka
ART Fahrenheit 451, Revisited, M@M, Osaka
My Self-Portraits as a Theater of Labyrinths, Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art, Higashiyama Cube, Kyoto
2021- Jam Session: The Ishibashi Foundation Collection × Morimura Yasumasa A Gift of the Sea, M- 2022 Style Morimura Yasumasaʼs Auto-Mytholo, Artizon Museum, Tokyo
MONA LISA MASKED BY THE MUSEUM IN KITAKAGAYA, EVEN, M@M, Osaka Collection Exhibition, Iwami Art Museum, Shimane
Morimura Yasumasa: Want to change the world? Be seriously unserious, Toyama Prefectural Museum of Art and Design, Toyama
Yasumasa Morimura: Ego Obscura, Tokyo 2020, Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo Morimura Yasumasa Mʼs Self - Portraits Part 2, M@M, Osaka
Opening Exhibition, M@M, Osaka
My Chronicle 1985 - 2018, ShugoArts, Tokyo
2017 Yasumasa Morimura. The history of the self-portrait, Pushikin Museum, Moskow, Russia
2016 The Self-Portraits of YASUMASA MORIMURA: My Art, My Story, My History, National Museum
of Art, Osaka, Japan
LAS MENINAS RENACEN DE NOCHE, Travelled to Shiseido Gallery, Tokyo, Japan; Luhring Augustine, NY, USA; Galeria Juana de Aizpuru, Madrid, Spain
Yasumasa Morimura: Theater of the Self, The Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh, USA
sagacho archives COLLECTION plus, 4, Sagacho archives, Tokyo
SELF-PORTRAIT AS HISTORY OF ART (EXTRACT), Miyanomori International Museum of Art, Sapporo
Moriennale, Kitakyushu Municipal Museum of Art, Riverwalk Gallery, Kitakyushu, Japan
A STUDY OF YASUMASA MORIMURA, Mitsubishi-Jisho ARTIUM, Fukuoka, Japan Moriennale, Shizuoka City Museum of Art, Shizuoka, Japan
REQUIEM FOR THE XX CENTURY Self-Portraits in Motion, Ikkan Art Gallery, Singapore
Self Portrait ʻMoney Game/ the Others, BLD Gallery, Tokyo, Japan The Power of the Others-The Microcosm of Yasumasa Morimura-, Hyogo Prefecture Museum of Art, Kobe, Japan
A Requiem: An another story, ShugoArts, Tokyo, Japan
The Power of the “Others”: Microcosm of Morimura Yasumasa, Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art, Hyogo, Japan
2009 The Sickness unto Beauty, Iwami Art Museum, Shimane, Japan
Yasumasa Morimura MABURAKASHI, Epson Imaging Gallery epSITE, Tokyo, Japan
Yasumasa Morimura Cuato da Fillippo Maggia, Byblos Art Gallery, Verona, Italy
REQUIEM POR EL SIGLO XX, galeria Juana de Aizpuru, Madrid, Spain
Yasumasa Morimura -Requiem for the XX Century Twilight of the turbulent Gods, GALERIE THADDAEUS ROPAC, Paris, France
Yasumasa Morimura -Requiem for the XX Century, Twilight of the turbulent Gods, Luhring Augustine, NY, USA
Yasumasa Morimura: Reflections, John Michael Kohler Arts Center, Sheboygan, USA
On Self-Portrait: Through The Looking-Glass, REFLEX NEW ART GALLERY, Amsterdam, Holland
Yasumasa Morimura 1985-1998 Selected Works from Soh Gallery, Takashimaya Art Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Twilight of the Turbulent Gods/ A Requiem: Chapter 2, ShugoArts, Tokyo, Japan Yasumasa Morimura Bi [bi:] -Class, Be Quiet, Travelled to Contemporary Art Museum, Kumamoto; Yokohama Museum of Art, Yokohama, Japan
Yasumasa Morimura -Requiem for the XX Century, Twilight of the turbulent Gods, Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa Galleria di Piazza San Marco, Venice
An Inner Dialogue with Frida Kahlo, Gary Tatintsian Gallery, Inc., Moscow, Russia Seasons of Passion/ A Requiem: Chapter 1, ShugoArts, Tokyo, Japan
Hoshi Otoko, Kochi City Culture-Plaza, Kochi, Japan
2005- The PostGender, Tikotin Museum for Japanese Art, Israel
06 Yasumasa Morimura Barco negro na mesa, Nadiff, Tokyo, Japan
Los Nuevos Caprichos, Travelled to Taddeus Ropac, Paris, Franc; Luhring Augustine, New York, USA; galeria Juana de Aizpuru, Madrid, Spain; ShugoArts, Tokyo, Japan
Vermeerʼs Room, MEM gallery, Osaka, Japan
A Story of Mʼs self portraits, Tonami art Museum, Toyama, Japan
Polyhedron of Yasumasa Morimura/ Kalei de Scope, B Gallery, Osaka Seikei University, Osaka, Japan
Yasumasa Morimura Barco negro on the table, Early photographic series, MEM gallery, Osaka, Japan
Artistʼs Tresures, ShugoArts, Tokyo, Japan
Self-Portraits: An Inner Dialogue with Frida Kahlo, Galeria Juana de Aizpuru, Madrid, Spain A Photographic Show of Murmur and Hum, Bunkamura Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Inside the Studio, Yasumasa Morimura, Japan Society, New York, USA
Self-Portraits, Ca di Fa, Milan, Italy
SITE SantaFe, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
Yasumasa Morimura: Story of Mʼs Portraits, Kawasaki City Museum, Kanagawa, Japan
Morimura gifts from Frida Kahlo, Kirin Plaza Osaka, Osaka, Japan
Morimura Self-Portraits: An Inner Dialogue with Frida Kahlo, Travelled to Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo/ Taddeus Ropac, Paris, France/ Luhring Augastine, NY, USA Morimura: A Hundred Polaroids, RICE Gallery by G2/ShugoArts, Tokyo, Japan
Yasumasa Morimura: Story of Mʼs Portraits, Museum “Eki” Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan
Yasumasa Morimura: New Photographs Self-portrait and Landscape, graf bld./MEM, Osaka, Japan
Art History: Yasumasa Morimure, Telephonica Foundation Exhibit Space, Spain
The Time with No Name, The Self with No Name, The Art Center of Academic Resources, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
New Bronze Works, Nagai Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
White Cube, London, UK
Daughter of Art History, Luhring Augustine Gallery, New York, USA
Morimura, Studio Guenzani, Milano, Italy
Gallery Collection Show: Photographs: Yasumasa Morimura, Satani Gallery, Tokyo, Japan Yasumasa Morimura: New Works, Soh Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Yasumasa Morimura: Self Portrait as Art History. Traveled to Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo; The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto; Marugame Genichiro Inokuma Museum of Contemporary Art, Kagawa, Japan
Yasumasa Morimura. Traveled to White Cube, London, UK; Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris, France/ Art & Public, Geneve, Italy
Yasumasa Morimura: Dressed in a Heart, Soh Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Yasumasa Morimura: Monochrome, Soh Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Yasumasa Morimura: Actors/ Actresses, Contemporary Arts Museum Houston, Texas, USA
Actress and Art History, Center of Contemporary Photography, Melbourne, Australia Yasumasa Morimura: Hand, Soh Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Yasumasa Morimura: From Actress Series, Marugame Genichiro Inokuma Museum of Contemporary Art, Kagawa Japan
Self-portrait as Art History 1-3, Nishida Gallery, Nara, Japan
Sharaku 4 Series, Soh Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Actress Series, Soh Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Yasumasa Morimura: From Van Gogh to Marilyn, Satani Gallery, Tokyo
Yasumasa Morimura: The Sickness unto Beauty, Self Portrait as Actress, Yokohama Museum of Art, Kanagawa, Japan Traveled to Luhling Augustine Gallery, New York

Selected Group Exhibitions

Fanatic Heart, Para Site, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
The acceptance of Edouard Manet in Japan, The Nerima Art Museum, Tokyo
The Power of Clothing; History of Cross-Dressing in Japan, The Shoto Museum of Art, Tokyo Special exhibition of works from the Collection "Sunset/Sunrise", Toyota municipal museum of art, Aichi
Ningen Joruri Yasumasa Morimura & Kanjuro Kiritake Ote Oh Hai Shaku!, M@M, Osaka
2021- 2022
The Dream of the Museum, M+, Hong Kong
shikkai, Takashimaya Art Gallery
A Nexus of Rainbows: Works from the Hara Museum and the Hara Rokuro Collections, Hara Museum ARC, Gunma
Where I Am Standing, ShugoArts, Tokyo
Being Human - 7 Questions, Leeum Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul
MOMAT Collection Special: Masterpieces of Japanese Art from the End of the 19th Century to the Present, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo
Photographic Distance, Tochigi Prefectural Museum of Fine Arts, Tochigi
THE Doraemon Exhibition KYOTO 2021, Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art “CONTRAST = Light and Shadow”, Semba Excel Building, Osaka
Connections: 150 years of Modern Art in Japan and France, Pola Museum of Art, Kanagawa The Sceneries and Portraits of the Eras, Benesse Art Site Naoshima Fukutake House Asia Gallery, Kagawa
SAGACHO EXHIBIT SPACE 1983-2000, The Museum of Modern Art, Gunma
2020-2 Collection Highlight & Special Feature: Portraits of Self and Others, Traveled to Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art, Hiroshima
Shikansuiyo ‒ The Hundred Year Forest and Art, Meiji Shrine Museum, Tokyo
Dress Code: Are You Playing Fashion?, Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery, Tokyo
Collect → Preserve The present collection in the future century, The Museum of Art, Kochi The Doraemon Exhibition NIIGATA 2020, The Niigata Bandaijima Art Museum, Niigata Portraits: Selections from the Hara Museum Collection, Hara Museum ARC, Gunma
Future and the Arts: AI, Robotics, Cities, Life - How Humanity Will Live Tomorrow, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo
CONTACT: Where the World Meets Japanese Art and Culture, Kiyomizu-dera Temple, Kyoto

Proregress-Art in an Age of Historical Ambivalence, Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai
Group Show at Aomori Museum of Art, Aomori
Starting Points: Japanese Art of the ʻ80s, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Ishikawa Art on the Road ‒ Three Traveling Exhibitions from the Hara Museum, Hara Museum ARC, Gunma
Travelers: Stepping into the Unknown, The National Museum of Art, Osaka
TAKAHASHI COLLECTION: FACE AND ABSTRACTION, Kiyoharushirakaba museum, Yamanashi
A display of Van Gogh-related works, The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto
ShugoArts Show, ShugoArts, Tokyo
The Doraemon Exhibition Tokyo 2017, Mori Arts Center Gallery, Tokyo
The Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions 2017 “Multiple Future”, Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, Tokyo
ShugoArts Show, From the 1980s to the 2010s, ShugoArts, Tokyo
Contemporary Artists vs. the Masters: Homage, Battle, Reclamation, Brattleboro Museum and Art Center, Brattleboro, USA
Photography and Film Constructs, Ringling College of Art and Design, Sarasota, USA Headshots: Contemporary Photographic Portraiture, ClampArt, New York, USA
2015- 16
The 8th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, The Queensland Art Gallery, Gallery of Modern Art, Queensland, Australia
Walkers: Hollywood Afterlives in Art and Artifact, Museum of Moving image, New York, USA Sharaku Interpreted by Japanʼs Contemporary Artists. Traveled to Old City Hall, Split, Croatia; International Culture Center Caisa, Helsinki, Finland; Raykjavik City Hall, Raykjavik, Irland; Ryazan Sate Regional Art Museum, Ryazanm, Russia; Novosibirsk City Center of Fina Arts Novosibirsk, Russia; New Exhibition Hall of City Sculpture Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia VENUS TRAP, Sindelfingen, Sindelfingen, Germany
Colleting and Sharing: Trevor Fairbrother, John T. Kirk, and the Hood Museum of Art,
Hood Museum of Art, Dartmounth College, Hanover, USA
ShugoArts Weekend Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Studio Guenzani, Milano 1986-2015: MOLTO-TUTTO, Studio Guenzani, Milan, Italy Cannibalism? On Appropriation in Art, Zachet, National Gallery of Art, Walsaw, Russia
DONʼT SHOOT THE PAINTER, Paintings from UBS Art Collection, Galleria dʼArte Modern, Milan, Italy
NO MUSEUM, NO LIFE?, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, Japan
TAKAHASHI COLLECTION: Mirror Neuron, Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery, Tokyo, Japan PARASOPHIA: Kyoto International Festival of Contemporary Culture 2015, The Museum of Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan
MOT Collection: Stage 3 Collection Becoming, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo
Shape of Picture, ShugoArts, Tokyo, Japan
Convergences: Selected Photogprahs from the Permanent Collection, J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, USA
Calendar for 2014, Art Space Niji, Kyoto, Japan
Printing Art of Twentieth Century, Museum of Obihiro, Hokkaido, Hokkaido, Japan
The Aesthetics of Photography-Five Elements Collection Exhibition 2013, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photogprahy, Tokyo, Japan
Situations and Exchanges: Fukuoka Contemporary Art Chronicle, Fukuoka Art Museum, Fukuoka
The 35th Anniversary of the National Museum of Art, Osaka: the Allure of the Collection The National Museum of Art, Osaka, Japan
PORTRAITS, Tokyo Takashimaya Nihonbashi Art Gallery X, Tokyo, Japan
2011 The Museum of Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan
2010 The World of Trick Art, Takamatsu City Museum of Art, Takamatsu, Japan
Roppongi Crossing 2010 Can There Be Art, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan
Self Portrait, Takahashi Collection Hibiya, Tokyo, Japan
Portraiture-A Voice from Silent Figures, Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art, Hiroshima, Japan
Small Works Exhibition, Soh-Gallery, Tokyo
Portraits from Asia and Europe. Traveled to The National Museum of Art, Osaka; National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan
Visions of America Part 3 AMERICAN MEGAMIX, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo, Japan
Busan Biennale, Busan Museum of Modern Art, Gwangalli Beach, APEC Naru Park, etc, Korea Into the Atomic Sunshine, Daikanyama Hillside Forum, Tokyo, Japan
GOYA ‒ Les Caprices, Palais des Beaux - Arts de Lille, France
International Trianniele of Contemporary Art” NATIONAL GALLERY IN PRAGUE, Prague Art of Photography X Photography as Art ‒ from ʻNaniwaʼ and ʻTampeiʼ, Photography Clubs to Yasumasa Morimura, Osaka, Japan
ART IS FOR THE SPIRIT; works from The UBS Art Collection, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan LIQUID CRISTAL PAINTING -STILL/ MOTION. Traveled to Mie prefectural Art Museum, Mie; The National Museum of Art, Osaka; Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo, Japan
Fashion Accidentally, Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
Art Encyclopedia; Kansai, the Avant-gardes, The Museum of Modern Art, Wakayama, Japan Living the Material World ‒ ʻthingsʼ in Art of the 20th century and Beyond,
The National Art Center, Tokyo, Japan
Osaka Art Kaleidoscope 2007” Osaka Contemporary Art Center, Osaka, Japan
Letʼs Go to Museum! Enjoying Modern Art with Dick Bruna, The Bernard Buffet Museum, Clematis-no-Oka, Japan
Show Me Thai, Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo, Japan
The Body Sings of Life, Marugame Genichiro-Inokuma Museum of Contemporary Art, Kagawa Gendai Bijutsu no Kiso Chishiki, HUISTENBOSCH Museum, Nagasaki, Japan
Sakana no Sugata, The Museun of Art Ehime, Ehime, Japan
20 Artists in Recent 20 years from Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sapporo, Japan
Art of Wagashi, Toraya Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Some People NEPENTE ART GALLERY, Milan, Italy
Post Digi-Graphy, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo, Japan
The World of Trick Art. Traveled to Takasaki Museum of Art, Gunma; Kawagoe City Art Museum, Saitama, Japan
Contemporary Art ? Collection, Sezon Museum of Modern Art, Nagano, Japan
Collection 1, The National Museum of Art, Osaka, Japan
Masquerade: Representation and the self in contemporary art, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, Australia, Japan
Collection: Next is Contemporary Art!, Osaka Modern Art Museum, Osaka, Japan
A-lunch, AXIS GALLERY ANNEX, Tokyo, Japan
Calendar for 2006, Art Space Niji, Kyoto, Japan
from east and west, ShugoArts, Tokyo, Japan
SALON DE KOZU 2005, Gallery Sunbeam, Osaka, Japan
Collection, Hara Museum of Art, Tokyo, Japan
How has Photography Changed Our Way of Looking at Things -Part Four- Chaos, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo, Japan
Marcel Duchamp and the 20th Century Art, The National Museum of Art, Osaka, Japan
Me or Me, Borderless Art Gallery NO-MA, Shiga, Japan
20th Anniversary Exhibition: The Copy Age -From Duchamp through Warhol to Morimura, The Museum of Modern Art, Shiga, Japan
TAKARAZUKA: The Land of Dreams. Traveled to Suntry Museum, Osaka; Tokyo Opera city Art Gallery , Tokyo, Japan
Happiness: A Survival Guide for Art and Life, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan
Supernova: Art of the 1990s from the Logan Collection, SFMoMA, San Francisco, USA Influence, Anxiety & Gratitude, MIT List Visual Arts Center, Cambridge, UK
Constructed Realities: Contemporary Photography, Orlando Museum of Art, Orlando, USA Genomic Issue(s): Art and Science, The Graduate Center of the City University of New York, New York, USA
The History of Japanese Photography, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, USA
Role Play Self-Portrait Photography, Zabriskie Gallery, New York, USA
Present of Paintings, The Niigata Bandaijima Art Museum, Niigata, Japan
Emotional Site, Sagacho Shokuryo Building, Tokyo, Japan
Theater of Our Lives, Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Art, Hyogo, Japan
The Unfinished Century: Legacies of 20th Century Art, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, Japan
Stay with art, Hotel Tʼ Point, Osaka, Japan
The Body and the Sin, The 1st Valencia Biennale, Valencia, Spain
Yasumasa Morimura, Sawako Goda, Kochi Prefectural Museum, Kochi, Japan Galleryʼs Debut, Rice Gallery by G2, Tokyo, Japan
Gendai: Japanese Contemporary Art: Between the Body and Space, Ujadowski Castle, Walsaw, Russia
Collection of Osaka City Museum of Modern Art, ATC Museum, Osaka, Japan
Japanese Art of the 20th Century, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Art Exhibition for Children: Play with Art, Study from Art, Hiroshima City Museum of Art, Hiroshima, Japan
Department Store of Contemporary Art, Yamanashi Prefectural Museum of Art, Japan
The 3rd Kwangju Biennale Special Exhibition “Human and Gender”, Kwangju, Korea
Le Sourires de Monna Lisa. Traveled to Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Tokyo; Shizuoka Prefectural Museum of Art, Shizuoka; Hiroshima Prefctural Museum of Art, Hiroshima, Japan Appearance, Contemporary Art Gallery, Bologna, Italy
Rosso Vivo: Mutazione, Transfigurazione e Sangye mallʼArte Contemporanea (Blood Red, Mutation, Transfiguration and Blood in Contemporary Art), PAC Padiglione
dʼArte Contemporanea Milano, Italy
Japanese Photography: 1950 to Contemporary, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo, Japan
Japanese Print 1945-1999, Machida City Museum of Graphic Art, Tokyo, Japan
Art World in Dialogue, Ludwig Museum, Cologne, Germany
Regarding Beauty in Performance and Media Arts, 1960-1999, Hirshhorn Museum of Art, Washington, USA
Art of 1950ʼs-1990ʼs, Wakayama Prefectural Museum of Modern Art, Japan
Japanese Art in the 1990ʼs. Traveled to National Gallery of Modern Art, New Dehri, India; Metropolitan Museum of Art, Philippines; The Japan Foundation, Japan
Why is it Art?, Mito Art Tower, Mito, Japan
Technontherapy, Nakanoshima Central Town Hall, Osaka, Japan
Tastes and Pursuits Japanese Art of 1990ʼs. Traveled to The Museum of Modern Art, New Delhi, India; Manila Metropolitan Museum of Art, Philippines
SHASHIN. Travelled to Kobe Fashion Museum, Hyogo; Mitsukoshi Museum of Art, Tokyo; Fukuoka Prefectural Museum of Art, Fukuoka, Japan
One Minutes Scenario, Printemps de Chaor, Saint Cullu
Sur le Mantoe, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris, France
Rrose is a Rrose is a Rrose; Gender Performance in Photography, Guggenheim Museum of Art Annex, New York, USA
Face and Figure in Contemporary Art, Boston Museum of Art, Boston, USA Hugo Boss Prize 1996, Guggenheim Museum Soho Annex, New York, USA Invitwinner, Glasgow Museum of Contemporary Art, Glasgow, UK Prospect ʼ96, Frankfurt Kunstverein, Frankfurt, Germany
10th Sydney Biennale, Sydney, Australia
Culture after 1945. Travelled to Meguro Museum of Art, Tokyo; Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art, Hiroshima. Travelled to Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Art, Hyogo; Fukuoka prefecture Museum of Art, Fukuoka, Japan
Art in Japan Today: 1985-1995, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Japanese Art After 1945: Scream Against the Sky. Travelled to Yokohama Museum of Art, Yokohama; Guggenheim Museum Soho, New York, USA; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, USA
Far from Border, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, Irland
Cocode Crudo, Reina Sofia National Art Center, Madrid, Spain
Inside Out: Japanese Contemporary Photography, The Light Factory Photograph center,
North Carolina, USA
Persona Cognita, Museum of Modern Art, Heide, Germany
On Nostalgia, The Gallery at Takashimaya, New York, USA
Of the Human Condition. Travelled to Spiral Hall, Tokyo, Japan; Ashiya City Museum of Art & History, Hyogo, Japan
Bad Girls, New Museum, New York, USA
Contemporary Humankinds, Hokkaido Prefectural Museum of Modern Art, Japan
Ark of Art, Kochi Prefectural Museum of Art, Japan
Wit on why; Humor in Photography, Isle Museum, Long Island, USA High Impact-After Image, Nassau County Museum of Art, New York, USA Dress Codes, ICA, Boston, USA
10 Artists; Contemporary Japanese Art of the 1980-1990, from the Acquisitions for the New Tokyo Art Museum, New Tokyo Metropolitan Museum Project, Tokyo, Japan
Multiple, Spiral Garden, Tokyo, Japan
Centrifugal Sculpture; An aspect of Japanese Sculpture in the last Decade, National Museum of Art Osaka, Osaka, Japan
Manifesto an Exhibition of Posters. Travelled to Cologne/ Basel/ Torino/ Tokyo etc.
Quotations The Second History of Art, The Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Connecticut, USA
Art Now ʼ80s in Kansai, Hyougo prefecture Museum of Modern Art, Japan
1990 Japanese print, Photography, Object, Tochigi Prefecture Museum of Art, Tochigi, Japan Spiral Take Art Collection, Spiral, Tokyo, Japan
Museum City Tenjin ʼ90, IMS 12F, Fukuoka, Japan
Japanische Kunst der Achtziger Jahre Llyn Foukes, Yasumasa Morimura. Travelled to Arnulf Rainer, LA Louver, California, USA; Frankfurt Kunstverein, Frankfurt, Germany; Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn, Germany; Bregenzen Festspiel Kunstverein, Hamburg, Germany; Kunstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, Germany/ Museum Modernaer Kunst, Wien; Germany
Images in Transition: Photographic Representation in the Eighties. Travelled to National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, Japan; National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, Japan
Japanese Contemporary Photography: Twelve Viewpoints, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo a Paris, Pavillion des Arts, Paris, France
Yasumasa Morimura, Hotaro Koyama, Tomoaki Ishihara, Soh Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Beyond the Photography Frame: 11 Recent Works, Art Tower Mito, Japan
Camera Culture: Curriculum Vitae, Thomas Segal Gallery, Boston, USA


2016 Osaka Cultural Award
2014 Dark Blue Ribbon Medal
Award for Person of Cultural Merits of Kyoto
Dark Blue Ribbon Medal
Award for Person of Cultural Merits of Osaka
Dark Blue Ribbon Medal 2011 Dark Blue Ribbon Medal
52th Mainichi Art Prize
Kyoto Fine Arts Culture Award Photographic Society of Japan Award Purple Ribbon Medal
2008 Award of Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, 2007 2007 25th Kyoto Prefecture Cultural Award
2003 Oribe Award
Higashikawa Prize
Japan inter-design Award 1990 Sakuya-Konohana Award


21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa (Ishikawa, Japan), Art Gallery of New South Wales (Sydney, Australia), Carnegie Museums of Art (Pittsburg, USA), Hara Museum of Contemporary Art (Tokyo, Japan), J. Paul Getty Museum (Los Angeles, USA), Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (Madrid, Spain), Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan), Museum of Modern Art (New York, USA), The National Museum of Art, Osaka, (Osaka, Japan), The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto (Kyoto, Japan), Saatchi Gallery (London, UK), San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (San Francisco, USA),
Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan), Whitney Museum of American Art (New York, USA).

Books from Yasumasa MORIMURA

Sha Shin Magazine Vol. 5: Faces

Shingo KANAGAWA, RYU Ika, Shinya ARIMOTO , Risaku SUZUKI, Haruto HOSHI, Ayaka YAMAMOTO, Takuma NAKAHIRA , Yasumasa MORIMURA, Kotaro IIZAWA


MEM: 4 Catalogues Bundle

Noboru UEKI, Yūshi KOBAYASHI, Yoho TSUDA, Shosuke SEKIOKA, Heihachiro SAKAI, Gen OTSUKA, Yasumasa MORIMURA

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