Studio Photo Nationale

Studio Photo Nationale

Samuel FOSSO

Publisher: Sebastien Girard Maison Européenne de la photographie

The case is slightly damaged

After Samuel Fosso’s studio and home were attacked in 2014 by looters in the war-torn Central African Republic, the photo-journalists Jerome Delay and Marcus Bleasdale with the help of Peter Bouckaert (Human rights watch organization) rescued Samuel Fosso’s negatives from destruction and sent them back to him in Paris.

During 7 years, 3 steel trunk boxes containing more than 50.000 negatives remained closed till the spring 2021 when I got access and edited these overlooked treasures.

Dedicated to Samuel Fosso’s early studio photographs in the 1980’s, this artist’s book tells the story of photographer Samuel Fosso’s fascinating Bangui studio images a few decades before his recognition as a major African artist.

― from Sebastien Girard

Keywords: Africa Portraiture
Book Size
330 × 240 mm
76 pages
Softcover, Slipcase
Publication Year
Limited Edition

Frequently bought together

Signed Hotare



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