Yan Books: Yan Selection III

Yan Books: Yan Selection III

Publisher: Yan Books

Published by the Beijing-based independent bookstore Yan Books, “Yan Books Selection III” is a book about books, a collection of favorites and an archive of interesting publications displayed and sold over the past years. Divided into eight categories (“Folklore culture and tradition,” “Architecture and interior design,” “Cinema and photography,” “Art and curatorial,” “Graphic design and illustration,” “Industrial design and lifestyles,” “Fashion and pop culture,” and “Culture and methodology”), the pages of “Selection III” show nothing but photographs of covers, single pages, spines and backs. With each featured book given only enough room to unfold its initial fascination, the experience of reading “Selection III” feels akin to stumbling into a corner bookshop and spending hours browsing its shelves; well-known magazine, from i-D and 032c, and widely available books on Dieter Rahms, Rem Koolhaas, Quentin Tarantino take turns with books on regional folkloristic clothes and rare antiquarian treasures. Carefully curated according to the passionate sensibilities found only in independent bookshops, “Yan Books Selection III” offers an inspired, fascinating selection of worthwhile books – to enjoyed as-is or to serve as a guide for future books to read.

Keywords: Artists' Books China


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Book Size
259 × 182 mm
400 pages
Publication Year
Limited Edition