SWITCH: Robert Frank (1924-2019) Special Memorial Issue

SWITCH: Robert Frank (1924-2019) Special Memorial Issue

Robert FRANK

Publisher: Switch Publishing

Japanese text only

In memory of Robert Frank (1924-2019)

Robert Frank, one of the most influential photographers of the 20th century, has sadly passed away on September 9, 2019, at the age of 94. In 1958, Frank published the photobook “The Americans,” in which he took a personal look at American society from his unique viewpoint as a Swiss immigrant and whose impact changed the course of photography forever.

This memorial special feature looks back at Frank’s career, focusing on his relationship with Kazuhiko Motomura from Yugensha, who created his photobooks “The Lines of My Hand” (1972) and “Flower is-“ (1987) in Japan.

Frequently bought together

"Dedicated to Robert Frank"




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