namekuji soshi gaiden


namekuji soshi gaiden

Masahito AGAKE

Publisher: Sokyusha

"Fair weather. First wintry cold of the year. At four P.M., to the Western books section of the Mistukoshi, then on to Asakusa and by bus to Hirai Station. Upon crossing the bridge in dim lamp-light, viewed the rising full moon reflected in the brimming waters of the river. Through an unfamiliar area, it must be the Nakagawa River. From the station to Komastugawa is a narrow street with shops lit brightly by lanterns and geisha coming and going. It is similar to the lively outskirts of Gotanda and Ikebukuro. Returned to Askakusa Park, and dined in Nakanishi."

The above is an excerpt from Nagai Kafu's diary "Danchotei Nichijo," Kafu was one who took pleasure and indulged in purposeless strolls throughout his life. Likewise, within his sincere approach to life, at times Agake wishes to revel in purposelessness, and this might be what takes form in his photographs.At some point in life everyone will stop to wonder, perhaps with a sense of loss, what they are doing, what they are living for, what is the meaning of this world we live in . The image of one walking on, aimlessly, is indeed soemthing like a slug. Agake, as a self-reliant and independent photographer, probably reached this current stage without being greatly conscious of it. It is a photography book which, in my opinion, is remarkably singular.

  • Excerpt by Hasegawa Akira titiled "Ask the slug" from Namejuki Soshi Gaiden.


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Book Size
305 x 230 mm
98 pages, 89 images
Publication Date
Limited Edition

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