Photographer Li Lang was born in Chengdu in 1969. His reputation was established in the late 1990s with a significant series ‘The Yi People’, a ten-years-long documentation of the Yi ethnic minority people for which he was awarded the Mother Jones International Fund for Documentary Photography in 1999. The Yi (also called the Nuosuo or Nuosu) are one of China’s largest ethnic minorities, living mostly in southwestern China, in Yunnan and Sichuan. Li’s work has been shown widely internationally in solo and group exhibitions, in Mainland China, Hong Kong, the United States and Spain, and has been collected by museums including the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Ontario Museum of Art, Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno, Spain, the Shanghai Art Museum and the Guangdong Museum of Art. His work in the White Rabbit Collection is from a poignant autobiographical series focused on the death of his father, which was awarded the Special Jury Prize by Lianzhou Foto Festival in 2014. Li Lang lives and works in Chengdu.


2021 - "1974" La Maison de Z
2020 - "Father: 30219" Jiazazhi Press

Books from LI Lang


LI Lang
